
Proportional Free Space Calculation

To use Alternative Cinder Scheduler Classes in a Cinder deployment the package will need to be first installed in all scheduler nodes as instructed in the installation guide.

Then configuration files will need to be updated to use the classes:

scheduler_host_manager = alt_cinder_sch.host_managers.HostManagerThin
scheduler_default_filters = AvailabilityZoneFilter,AltCapacityFilter,CapabilitiesFilter
scheduler_driver = alt_cinder_sch.scheduler_drivers.FilterScheduler

Scheduler’s default filters could vary depending on your configuration, but the only filter provided by this package at the moment is the AltCapacityFilter.

In above example we were defaulting to thin provisioning calculations for any backend that supported thin provisioning, but we can also default to thick provisioning is we use HostManagerThick instead as the scheduler_default_filters.

Default Volume Types

To support Default Volume Types based on users or projects the package needs to be installed in all API nodes as instructed in the installation guide.

Then configuration files on the API nodes will need to be updated to use our custome API class:

volume_api_class = alt_cinder_sch.api.DefaultVolumeTypeAPI

Since we are only changing the configuration for the API service only these will need to be restarted, leaving Scheduler, Backup, and Volume services as they were.

And the default volume types will need to be added to the users and/or projects in Keystone directly in the DB (there’s no REST API).

Data must be added to extra DB field as JSON with key default_vol_type.

If there is no data in the user’s extra field we can run:

SET extra='{"default_vol_type": "iscsi"}'

If the project’s extra field already had info, like an email, we could do:

UPDATE project
SET extra=CONCAT(SUBSTRING(extra, 1, LENGTH(extra) - 1),
                 ', "default_vol_type": 'iscsi"}')
WHERE name='admin';